CrazyBulk Testo Max (Pravna Sustanon Alternativna) Mnenja in rezultatov

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Kaj je Crazy Bulk Testo-Max?

CrazyBulk Testo Max (Testosterone Booster) Review - Benefits & Side effects

Začnimo z govoriti o tem, kaj točno ta izdelek in kaj lahko naredi. To je dodatek, ki je narejena iz naravnih sestavin. In bo povečala svojo raven testosterona . Več testosterona vam bo dal več moči, rast mišične mase, kurjenje hitreje maščob, vzdržljivost in hitrejši čas okrevanja po trdih treningih. To je pravna alternativa Sustanon . Narejena je iz izvlečka rastline Tribulus terrestris. Rečeno je, da je to (eden od najbolj) najučinkovitejših ojačevalcev naravnega testosterona. Ta rastlina izvleček je eden od najbolj pomembnih sestavin tega dodatka, in bomo rekli, več o tem kasneje. Ta dodatek, ki povečuje raven testosterona , je varna za uporabo, je učinkovito in preprosto rečeno super izdelek za odlične rezultate.

Kako deluje?

D-asparaginske kisline je regulator kisline . To ureja proizvodnjo luteinizirajočega hormona. In ta hormon je odgovoren za proizvodnjo testosterona v telesu. Vsak posamezni bodybuilder ve, da je testosteron bistvenega pomena za velikost mišic , učinkovitosti, energije, moči in oblasti.

D-Aspartanska kislina stimulira proizvodnjo luteinizirajočega hormona v telesu in posledično poveča proizvodnjo testosterona, da proizvedejo več testosterona.

Ta dodatek ima veliko količino D-asparaginske kisline (2352mg) v vsaki kapsuli (kar je več kot katerikoli drug dodatek trenutno na voljo) . Vsebuje tudi 10 bolj naravne sestavine, ki tudi povečanje ravni testosterona v telesu. Ta dodatek poveča raven testosterona naravno in varno. Tako kot pri uporabi Sustanon, boste začutili novo pridobljeno moč med vadbo. Boste doživeli največjo rast mišične mase in zelo kratke čase obnovitve.

Testo-Max je dodatek, ki vam bo spodbudilo dodatno miljo; vam bo pomagal preseči svoje meje.

  • To je varna in pravna možnost za Sustanon.
  • To vam bo dala neverjetne dobičke mišice.
  • Boste doživeli moč in vzdržljivost, da nisi vedel, da imaš.
  • To omogoča telesu, da hitro opomore.
  • Višje spolni nagon.
  • Ni potrebe za igle in receptov.
  • Lahko pričakujemo rezultate v dveh tednih.
  • Worldwide Dostava je brezplačna.

Kdo je ta dodatek za?

Ta dodatek bo največ koristi za nekoga, ki se redno izobražuje in ima zdrave prehrane. Plain in enostaven!

Tisti, ki trdo dela, dobro poje in hoče doseči te cilje:

  • Človek, ki želi povečati svojo mišično maso.
  • Človek, ki želi doseči rezultate hitreje.
  • Nekdo, ki želi višjo raven energije.
  • Da bi dosegli hitro okrevanje telesa po intenzivno vadbo.
  • Nekdo, ki želi večjo spolno slo.

Ta dodatek je tudi super za ljudi, ki trenirajo in jesti dobro, vendar so dobili omejene rezultate. Ti ljudje lahko bistveno izboljšajo svoje rezultate s pomočjo tega dodatka.

Kdo je ta dodatek ne?

Pomembno je, če sem iskren. Torej, da bi bilo res, da ta rek; ta izdelek ni za vsakogar. Preprosto povedano to ni koristno za vsakega moškega.

To so ljudje, ki morda v resnici ne potrebujejo tega izdelka:

  • Fantje, ki imajo naravno visoko raven testosterona.
  • Fantje, ki lahko povečajo svojo mišično maso enostavno.
  • Fantje, ki lahko dobijo ripped hitro.

In še en dodatek na ta seznam, pa tudi ne za ljudi, ki imajo slabe prehranjevalne navade in ne marajo usposabljanja.

Kdo je za gotovo?

Za fanta, ki se redno izobražuje in ima dobre navade in ti so njegovi cilji:

  • Povečanje mišične mase.
  • Pridobivanje ripped hitreje.
  • Povečanje energetske ravni.
  • Hitrejše okrevanje.
  • Višje libido.

Kakšne so sestavine, ki se uporabljajo?

Tribulus terrestris

Crazy Bulk Testo-Max je narejen iz različnih naravnih sestavin! Sestavljena so se odlično kombinacijo. Ena od sestavin Tribulus Terrestris. Kot je dejal, je ta rastlinski izvleček je eden izmed najboljših testosterona ojačevalci. Prav tako povečuje libido. To je, kako to deluje v telesu; stimulira naš endokrini sistem za povečanje proizvodnje na človeka hormona testosterona. Zelo preprosto.

D-asparaginske kisline

Druga zelo pomembna sestavina D-asparaginsko kislino. Ta kislina poveča tudi raven testosterona v telesu. Dokazano je, da lahko ta kislina poveča raven testosterona od 30% do celo 60% . Obstaja veliko spletnih virov za branje o tem sestavine, ki jih lahko najdemo v nekaterih naših najljubših živil, kot so meso, jajca, mleko, ribe …

Fenugreek Extract

Izvleček Fenugreek je drugo sestavino, ki je del tega velikega formule. Fenugreek pomaga telesu pri kurjenje maščob in tudi povečuje libido. Drug učinek, ki ga ima Fenugreek; znižuje raven estrogena v telesu. Estrogen lahko včasih ovira, ko gre za kurjenje maščob. Z zniževanjem ravni estrogena v telesu, lahko ljudje spali maščobe več kot jih lahko normalno. Boste zagotovo opazili razliko v vašem telesu zaradi te sestavine.

Panax ginseng

Panax ginseng je pomemben del formule in pomaga telesu, da pridobijo mišice. Prav tako lahko poveča raven energije in lahko pomaga pri ohranjanju vašo pozornost. Zaradi te sestavine, vaše telo lahko opomore veliko hitreje od intenzivno vadbo. Boste lahko, da se ohrani svoj poudarek lažje, medtem ko delaš druge stvari, kot dobro. Boste doživeli jasnost misli (Focus), ki vam bo omogočilo, da bo bolj učinkovita znotraj in zunaj telovadnice.


Cink igra pomembno vlogo pri testosterona za mlade moške. Dejstvo je, raziskave kažejo, da bo omejevanje vnosa cinka za nekaj tednov nižje proizvodnje testosterona v telesu. Zato je ključnega pomena, da se dopolni cinka, da raven testosterona visoka.

Bor (od borov citrat)

Bor je na novo dodano sestavino. Študije so pokazale, da je to popolnoma naravna sestavina je zelo učinkovito pri dvigovanju ravni testosterona v telesu.


Bioperine je drugo novo dodane sestavine. Pomaga naše telo absorbira hranilne snovi hitreje. V tej formuli deluje enako; pomaga dopolniti za hitrejše delo v telesu.

Obstaja veliko drugih vitaminov in hranilnih snovi v tej veliki dodatek:

  • vitamin B6
  • vitamin B5
  • vitamin B2
  • vitamin D3

and many more.

You will be happy to hear this supplement, unlike many other products, has 0 fillers or unnatural ingredients. This is the best natural product available right now.

What are the advantages of Crazy Bulk TestoMax?

  • This supplement is effective with both bulking as well as cutting cycles.
  • It can help with the treatment of erectile dysfunction.
  • There are no real side effects. Unlike anabolic steroids, it does not raise your blood pressure. Also, it does not put stress on your kidneys or liver.
  • You don’t need a prescription.
  • It is approved by the FDA. This supplement meets all the standards required from the FDA, in regards to your health and safety.
  • No need for injections, unlike with the use of anabolic steroid. The intake is oral; you take it in a form of a pill.
  • It is a Sustanon alternative. It has almost identical results like Sustanon, but without any hazards for your body or health.

How long before you can see results?

You will notice first changes 24 hours after taking the first pill, and then a few days later you will feel the effects of the supplement fully.

What you can expect from CrazyBulk Testo-Max:

  • If you use this supplement according to the instructions, this product will start to work in your best interest. Simply put, you can increase your levels of testosterone and enjoy the fruits that come with the increased levels of this very important hormone (for men).
  • People will also see that Testo-Max is a very safe product. That is, this supplement will not cause any problems for body or their health.

What you CAN NOT expect:

  • To be clear, this supplement is not magic. It will not create your wanted results in a matter of days. Like all other things in life, it takes time. It requires a timeframe of 8 weeks (minimum) before you can see visible results. Therefore the best thing to do, as it was said before, is to keep being consistent with your training and diet, and to be patient in this period.
  • Second, this supplement does not work on its own. You will have to put in the work! So if you want to achieve an improved physique (muscular, ripped), you have to give it one hundred percent. Naturally, nothing is free, so the price of a healthy diet and regular training as well will have to be paid. And then, you will start seeing this supplement working and delivering your wanted results!

What changes can I expect?

The significant changes men can experience from using this supplement are:

  • Gaining muscles faster.
  • Getting stronger.
  • Burning fat more effectively and being able to get ripped easier.
  • Higher stamina levels.
  • Faster recovery time after training.
  • Stronger erections.
These are common signs of high levels of testosterone and increased production of the hormone. You will almost definitely feel these effects if you are able to increase your testosterone levels without any supplements.

About side effects and safety:

There are some side effects that come with using this product, but they are will not put your health into question, they are minor.

The side effects that may occur when using this supplement are:

  • More frequent and harder erections (this is a common sign of high testosterone).
  • You might feel hungrier than usual.

Every enhancing supplement that you use may have some unwanted side effects. Testo-Max is a supplement that sometimes has very little and sometimes has no side effects. That is simply amazing! Firstly, it is made with completely natural products. When you take this supplement, it simply helps your body’s natural process. It doesn’t add anything that is foreign to your body or that your body does not have. This supplement is not a steroid or any kind of a crazy injection. A prescription for this supplement is not necessary which means it is 100% safe for your health and body.

Naturally, if someone is under 18, or breastfeeding, or pregnant, they should not take any kind of enhancing supplement. Even though this supplement is completely natural and safe for use, it is always best to talk to a physician before introducing a new supplement to your body.

One re-occurring side effect is that you might be hungrier than usual. This is not the worst side effects. It is actually helpful. Knowing that this supplement works and helps the body burn fat effectively is great. Other than this side effect (being hungrier), you can only experience positive effects like; increased definition of the muscles, more energy, lower body fat, and being more focused. Basically, everything that makes this supplement so great. Your body will change exactly as you want it to, with a proper diet and exercise of course.

Final thoughts:

When we are talking about fitness or health, we all want to be sure that we are getting the best available nutrients for our bodies. Choosing the right supplement definitely gives us those key nutrients. Sometimes we are hesitant when switching to a new supplement. Which is normal, not all changes are good. But this one is! You will be surprised by the effectiveness of this completely natural supplement! It helps with achieving your goals, and it makes that struggle much easier when you can see the results so quickly.

In just a couple of months of taking these supplements combined with a good diet and training, you will be able to witness a drastic change.

click here to order TestoMax from the CrazyBulk »

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Zahra Thunzira is a Jakarta-based nutritionist and gym instructor. She’s also an adventure travel, fitness, and health writer for several blogs and websites. She earned her Master degree in Public Health from University of Indonesia.